The Difference Between `rails db:create` and `rails db:setup`

September 18, 2024

Ruby on Rails provides a powerful set of tools for managing databases in web applications. Among these tools, two commonly used commands are rails db:create and rails db:setup. While they may seem similar at first glance, they serve distinct purposes in the database management workflow. This article will clarify the differences between these two commands and when to use each.

What Does rails db:create Do?

The command rails db:create is used specifically to create the database defined in your Rails application’s configuration files. Here’s a breakdown of its functionality:

  • Database Creation: It creates the database for the current environment (development, test, or production) as specified in your config/database.yml file.
  • No Data Insertion: This command does not populate the database with any tables or data; it simply sets up an empty database.

Usage Example

To create the databases for your current environment, run:

rails db:create

If you want to create the database for a specific environment, you can specify it like so:

RAILS_ENV=production rails db:create

What Does rails db:setup Do?

On the other hand, rails db:setup is a more comprehensive command. It not only creates the database if it does not exist but also populates it with the schema and any seed data. Here’s what it does:

  • Database Creation: If the database doesn’t already exist, rails db:setup will create it, similar to rails db:create.
  • Schema Loading: It loads the database schema from the db/schema.rb file or db/structure.sql file, creating all the necessary tables and indexes.
  • Data Seeding: It runs the code in db/seeds.rb, which allows you to populate your database with initial data.

Usage Example

To set up your database with the schema and seed data, run:

rails db:setup

This command is particularly useful when you are starting a new project or when you need to reset your database with the latest schema and seed data.

When to Use Each Command

  • Use rails db:create when you need to create the database but don’t want to load the schema or seed data. This might be useful in scenarios where you are integrating with an existing database or when you want to create a new test database without any data.

  • Use rails db:setup when you are setting up a new environment or project and want to ensure that your database is fully configured with the schema and initial data. This command is ideal for new developers joining a project or for setting up a production environment.


In summary, while both rails db:create and rails db:setup involve database creation, they serve different purposes in the Rails development workflow. Understanding when to use each command can help streamline your database management and setup processes, ensuring your application runs smoothly from the start.

Further Resources

Ruby Guides Setting Up the Database

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Written by Marylene Sawyer is a web developer dedicated to building useful and impactful solutions. With a passion for technology and creativity, she enjoys crafting applications that enhance user experiences. Marylene combines her technical expertise with a keen eye for design, striving to create intuitive and engaging interfaces that meet the needs of users.