Understanding the Upside-Down Pyramid Addition Challenge - A Reverse Engineering Puzzle

November 21, 2024


Have you ever encountered a mathematical puzzle that makes you think backwards? Today, we'll explore an interesting challenge called "Upside-Down Pyramid Addition" and learn how to reverse engineer its original numbers.

What is Upside-Down Pyramid Addition?

Upside-Down Pyramid Addition is a process where you take a list of numbers and add adjacent pairs until you're left with a single number. For example:

2   1   1
  3   2

The numbers 2, 1, 1 form the base, and each row above is created by adding adjacent numbers until we reach the top number 5.

The Challenge

The interesting twist in this challenge is that we're given the right side of the pyramid (5, 2, 1) and need to find the original numbers [2, 1, 1]. It's like having the answer and working backwards to find the question!


import java.util.Arrays;

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
     int[] rightSideList = {2, 1};
        System.out.println("{2, 1} =>" + Arrays.toString(upsideDownPyramidAddition(rightSideList)));

  public static int[] upsideDownPyramidAddition(int[] array) {
        int length = array.length;

        int[] resultList = new int[length];
        resultList[length - 1] = array[length - 1];
        int previousLength = length - 1;

        int[] currentList = Arrays.copyOf(array, length);

        for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {

            int[] previousList = new int[previousLength];

            for (int j = 0; j < previousLength; j++) {
                previousList[j] = currentList[j] - currentList[j + 1];

            resultList[previousLength - 1] = previousList[previousLength - 1];
            currentList = previousList;


        return resultList;

Breaking Down the Solution

Let's analyze how our Java solution works:

  1. Setup Phase
int[] resultList = new int[length];
resultList[length - 1] = array[length - 1];

We know the last number in our result will be the same as the last number in our input, so we start there.

  1. Working Backwards
for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
    int[] previousList = new int[previousLength];
    for (int j = 0; j < previousLength; j++) {
        previousList[j] = currentList[j] - currentList[j + 1];

The key insight is that each number in the original list can be found by subtracting consecutive numbers in the right side of the pyramid.

Example Walkthrough

Let's say we have [5, 2, 1]:

  1. Start with last number: 1
  2. Work backwards: 2 - 1 = 1
  3. Continue: 5 - 2 = 3
  4. Result: [2, 1, 1]

Explanation Paper Notes

Key Insights

  • The process is deterministic - there's only one possible original list for each right side
  • We can use subtraction to reverse the addition process
  • The algorithm works from bottom to top, right to left

Time Complexity

Let's analyze the time complexity of the Upside-Down Pyramid Addition algorithm:

public static int[] upsideDownPyramidAddition(int[] array) {
    int length = array.length;                           // O(1)
    int[] resultList = new int[length];                 // O(1)
    resultList[length - 1] = array[length - 1];         // O(1)
    int previousLength = length - 1;                    // O(1)
    int[] currentList = Arrays.copyOf(array, length);   // O(n)

    // Outer loop runs (length-1) times
    for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {             // O(n)
        int[] previousList = new int[previousLength];   // O(1)

        // Inner loop runs (previousLength) times
        // previousLength decreases by 1 in each iteration
        for (int j = 0; j < previousLength; j++) {      // O(n-1), O(n-2), ... O(1)
            previousList[j] = currentList[j] - currentList[j + 1];

        resultList[previousLength - 1] = previousList[previousLength - 1];
        currentList = previousList;

    return resultList;

Let's break down the nested loops:

  1. The outer loop runs (n-1) times where n is the length of the input array
  2. The inner loop runs:
    • (n-1) times in first iteration
    • (n-2) times in second iteration
    • (n-3) times in third iteration
    • And so on...

This forms an arithmetic sequence: (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ... + 1

The sum of this arithmetic sequence is:

(n-1)(n-1+1)/2 = n(n-1)/2


  • Time Complexity: O(n²)
  • Space Complexity: O(n) - we use additional arrays of decreasing size

Here's a visual representation for input [5,2,1]:

Iteration 1: [5,2,1] → need to process 2 numbers
Iteration 2: [3,1]   → need to process 1 number
Final:      [2,1,1]

Total operations = 2 + 1 = 3

For a larger input [10,6,3,2]:

Iteration 1: [10,6,3,2] → process 3 numbers
Iteration 2: [4,3,1]    → process 2 numbers
Iteration 3: [1,2]      → process 1 number
Final:      [3,1,2,2]

Total operations = 3 + 2 + 1 = 6

The quadratic time complexity means this algorithm might not scale well for very large inputs, but it's efficient enough for the typical use case where the pyramid height is relatively small.

Optimized Algorithm

We can improve the algorithm in a few ways. Here's an optimized version with explanations:

class Solution {
    // Optimized solution: O(n) time complexity
    public static int[] upsideDownPyramidAddition(int[] rightSide) {
        int n = rightSide.length;
        int[] result = new int[n];
        // Last number is always the same
        result[n-1] = rightSide[n-1];
        // Calculate each original number in one pass
        for (int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--) {
            result[i] = rightSide[i] - result[i+1];
        return result;

Key Improvements:

  1. Time Complexity: Reduced from O(n²) to O(n)

    • Single pass through the array instead of nested loops
    • Each element is processed exactly once
  2. Space Complexity: Reduced from O(n) to O(1) extra space

    • Only one result array needed instead of multiple temporary arrays
    • No need for copying arrays
  3. Code Simplicity:

    • Reduced from ~20 lines to ~10 lines
    • More readable and maintainable
    • Less prone to bugs

Let's understand how it works:

Given right side: [5,2,1]

Step 1: Initialize result array
result = [0,0,1]  // Last number is same as input

Step 2: Work backwards
i = 1: result[1] = rightSide[1] - result[2]
       result[1] = 2 - 1 = 1
       result = [0,1,1]

i = 0: result[0] = rightSide[0] - result[1]
       result[0] = 5 - 3 = 2
       result = [2,1,1]

The mathematical insight that enables this optimization:

  • In the pyramid, each number is the sum of two numbers below it
  • Therefore, each original number can be found by subtracting the next number in our result from the corresponding number in the right side

Visual proof:

Original:    2   1   1
             \  /\  /
Result:       3   2
               \  /

If we know 5 and 2:
- To get the first number (2): 5 - 2 = 3
- To get the second number (1): 2 - 1 = 1

This solution is:

  • More efficient
  • More scalable
  • Easier to understand and maintain
  • Less memory intensive


This challenge demonstrates how mathematical patterns can be reversed using systematic thinking. By understanding the original process, we can work backwards to find our solution.

Practice Challenge

Try implementing this solution in your preferred programming language. Can you optimize it further? Can you handle edge cases like single-element arrays?

Remember: Sometimes the best way to solve a problem is to understand how it was created in the first place!

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Written by Marylene Sawyer is a web developer dedicated to building useful and impactful solutions. With a passion for technology and creativity, she enjoys crafting applications that enhance user experiences. Marylene combines her technical expertise with a keen eye for design, striving to create intuitive and engaging interfaces that meet the needs of users.